Join Mickey Mouse as he and Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy go on a journey to discover Mickey’s favorite memory of all time. Using Mickey’s “Mouse Pad,” show hosts encourage fans to be part of the action and help the gang venture though Disney stories, sharing memorable moments from treasured tales. Along the way, families sail away with Moana as she displays courage to save her island on a high-seas adventure with the demigod, Maui. Families will continue the journey to the wintry world of Arendelle as royal sisters Anna and Elsa discover true love is the most powerful magic of all, and experience the mysterious magic of Fantasia as a Sorcerer’s Apprentice makes brooms come to life. “Live Your Story” alongside Disney Princesses as they use perseverance, determination and hard work to inspire Mickey and children around the world to share their favorite Disney memories.
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